Mark your calendars! The annual JPII Improv Night will be held on our last day of classes, Thursday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the PAC. This will be a night of laughs in the style of Whose Line Is It Anyway?, featuring our improv classes! Admission is free; donations will be collected to support the performing arts department. Make plans to come out and end the semester on a lighthearted, fun note! |
Concussion baseline testing must be done once a year. Student-athletes who will be returning for the 2024-2025 school year and plan to play a sport are encouraged to go ahead and complete concussion baseline testing on May 7th or 14th from 2:45-3:45 p.m. upstairs in the gym. Please sign up by using the button below. TAKE YOUR MACBOOK WITH YOU! |
Below is the schedule of AP exams: - Monday, May 6 at 12:00 noon: Chemistry
- Tuesday, May 7 at 8:00 a.m.: Human Geography
- Wednesday, May 8 at 8:00 a.m.: English Literature
- Friday, May 10 at 12:00 noon: U.S. History
- Monday, May 13 at 8:00 a.m.: Calculus
- Monday, May 13 at 12:00 noon: Pre-Calculus
- Tuesday, May 14 at 8:00 a.m.: English Language
- Thursday, May 16 at 8:00 a.m.: Spanish
- Thursday, May 16 at 12:00 noon: Biology
- Friday, May 17 at 8:00 a.m.: Physics
| | As we turn the calendar to May and prepare to bring this school year to a close, here are a few dates and information of note: - Wednesday, May 15 - Academic Awards Day at 10:00 a.m. in the gym
- Thursday, May 16 - Mass at 9:45 a.m.
- Friday, May 17 - Reading Day (students do not report to school)
- Monday, May 20 - 1st & 2nd Period Exams
- Tuesday, May 21 - 3rd & 4th Period Exams
- Wednesday, May 22 - 5th & 6th Period Exams
- Wednesday, May 22 - Baccalaureate Mass at 6:00 p.m. at St. Gabriel's
- Thursday, May 23 - 7th Period Exam
- Friday, May 24 - Graduation at 6:00 p.m.
Schedule for Exam Days: 8:00-8:05 - Assembly 8:10-9:55 - Exam 9:55-10:10 - Exam Break 10:10-11:50 - Exam |
Applications for the Ronald McDonald House Teen Ambassador Program are due THIS WEDNESDAY, May 1st. The Teen Ambassador Program is comprised of a select group of high school students chosen based on academic merit and commitment to volunteering. Ambassadors gain a greater understanding of several aspects of a nonprofit organization and shows them the importance of giving back to the community. Teens commit to a service year from September – May and meet at least once a month at RMHC of Eastern NC. |
Junior and senior young men: Where may God be leading you? Quo Vadis? is a young men's retreat to help high school juniors and seniors hear God's call for their lives. Interested in learning more about the retreat? Email or see Mrs. Tulis. |
| | The Carolina Pregnancy Center presents the "Born 2 Run" family-friendly 5K on Saturday, May 11. The timed 5K ($28) starts at 8:30 a.m. and the fun run 5K ($23) starts at 9:00 a.m. Participants who register before April 22 will receive a T-shirt, swag bag, and a token of love to give to the mom in their life. |
HELP! WE HAVE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS WHO NEED A HOST FAMILY FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR! Hosting an international student is not only a great way to expand your knowledge of another culture but provides a wonderful opportunity for the student to experience yours. Along the way, they will make new friends and improve their use of the English language. Host families receive a stipend in exchange for providing a loving environment, a room to live in, meals, and transportation to school. The students will cover most of their expenses, including school tuition, health insurance, phone plan, etc, while in the USA. We are looking for 5-10 families who would be willing to host an international student for the 2024-2025 school year. Families who receive financial aid can fulfill their service-to-school hours by hosting an international student. If you are interested in hosting a student, please email Doug Smith. |
NOAH from Germany 11th Grade |
| | LEO from Germany 11th Grade |
Student-athletes from the Class of 2024 and their families are invited to this year's senior student-athlete banquet on Tuesday, May 21 at 6:00 p.m. at Greenville Country Club. Student-athletes are $10 and family members are $25. This year's featured speaker is ECU Head Football Coach Mike Houston and the following awards will be given to one female and one male in each category: - The St. Joan of Arc Impact Awards go to those who committed themselves to the athletic program through their involvement in athletics and their impact on their sport or sports.
- The St. Thomas Aquinas Scholar-Athlete Awards recognize those who finished in the top 10% of their class academically, took a rigorous course of study, and were key contributors on their athletic team or teams.
- The St. Michael the Archangel Athlete of the Year Awards go to those who exhibited athletic excellence in at least one sport and were recognized by their peers, coaches, and the media for their outstanding achievements in athletics.
For the remainder of the school year, Fr. Ian will offer Confessions each Monday at 2:30 p.m. |
Mrs. Lyles is leading a trip to Disney World in January 2025 to learn the physics of Disney parks. When: January 16-19, 2025 Who:The trip is open to all JPII students (40 max) What: Students will spend three nights and two days in the Walt Disney Park and attend a 2-hour hands-on workshop about the physics of the park. Travel: via motor coach Meals: Cost includes vouchers for meals at the park Lodging: Walt Disney All-Star Sports Resort (4 students/room) Cost: $1,500 with a non-refundable deposit of $250 due by May 1, 2024. Cost includes park tickets, transportation, food, and lodging. The remaining $1,250 will be charged monthly to your Finalsite Enrollment account during the 2024-2025 school year. |
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CALENDAR 🗓 Monday, April 29 CPIC Golf Tournament in Wilmington 2:30 p.m. -Academic Enrichment: English; Study Hall in Theology -Film Club in S102 2:30 p.m. Confessions with Fr. Ian 4:00 p.m. Boys Tennis at Greenfield 4:00 p.m. Softball vs. Parrott (Senior Day) BUY TICKETS 4:30 p.m. Girls Soccer vs. Wayne Country Day (Senior Day) BUY TICKETS 6:30 p.m. Baseball at Rocky Mount Academy 🗓 Tuesday, April 30 Happy Birthday JJ Dela Cruz '25! 7:30 a.m. Overall SGA Meeting 2:30-3:30 p.m. -Academic Enrichment: Science & Social Studies; Study Hall in World Language -Art Club -Improv Club 3:30 p.m. Softball at Thales Academy 4:00 p.m. JV Baseball at Parrott Academy 4:30 p.m. Girls Soccer at Cape Fear Academy 6:00 p.m. Varsity Baseball at Parrott Academy 🗓 Wednesday, May 1 Half Day of School (5th-7th) Happy Birthday Mrs. Smith! May Crowning of Mary 8:00 a.m. Boys Soccer Interest Meeting after Assembly 10:05 a.m. Mass 🗓 Thursday, May 2 2:30-3:30 p.m. -Academic Enrichment: Math; Study Hall in English -Crochet Club -Ultimate Club 🗓 Friday, May 3 Happy Birthday Mrs. Jones, Mr. Doug, Halei Spencer '24, and Oscar Elizalde-Salinas '26! 2:30 p.m. -Karaoke Club -Rosary Making Club 🗓 Sunday, May 5 Happy Birthday Cora Carpenter '24! |
JUNIORS & JUNIOR PARENTS: Below are the vaccine requirements for starting 12th grade. In order for a senior to receive their 2024-2025 class schedule, Ms. Blanton needs to have an updated immunization record that reflects these vaccinations. |
The Town of Winterville has received a $10,000 grant from Safe Routes to School to develop new safety features on their roadways. They are looking for student volunteers on Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th to help implement some of these new safety features to make walking, biking, and rolling to school safer. |
The Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge (FELC) is a five-day summer program held June 23-27 at Wingate University for rising 9th-12th grade students. FELC gives you the opportunity to earn real money, run a business, learn the power of the free enterprise system, and the American Dream. It’s not just hard work, you’ll have fun making new friends and living on a college campus. |
| | The Shelton Challenge is a six-day residential leadership experience to help students expand their knowledge and skills of what it takes to be an effective leader. Hands-on activities focus on: - personal leadership assessment and interpersonal dynamics
- the role of values and ethics in leadership
- leadership traits and approaches
- empowering others
- civic and social responsibility
- goal setting
When: July 14-19, 2024 Where: NC Wesleyan University Who: Rising 9th - Graduated 12th Graders with unweighted GPA of 3.0+ Deadline to Apply: June 15 |
| Students interested in cheerleading for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to participate in summer workouts scheduled for June 4–6 and June 10, starting at 9 a.m. and ending at noon. Tryouts will be held June 12th from 10:00-11:00 a.m. If you're interested in participating in cheer for the 2024–2025 school year, please email Coach Holley. |
| The Ulster Project of Greenville is looking for families with teens ages 14-16 to host a northern Irish teen for 3 weeks this summer from June 26th to July 18th. Both teens, visiting and hosting, will have a schedule of fun activities, service projects, day trips, a 3-night trip to Washington D.C., attending church services, time of discoveries, and more. Visiting teens can share a bedroom with the host teen. Most days will be dropping off in the morning and picking up in the evening. Help with drop off and pick up is available. The project is free of charge and provides service hours. Families can express interest via email or by calling Silvia Frizzelle at 252-258-5963. |
| Thank you to those who have contributed to this year's Annual Fund. Your financial commitment to our school's success can be made at any time and we encourage all families to make an end-of-year contribution today! Contributions to the Annual Fund can be a tax-free cash donation or you can include JPII in your estate planning, stock sales, lifetime gifts, or in-kind gifts. If you have any questions please contact Director of Development Charlie Harvey. |
A new philanthropic option is to donate stock to JPII. Stockholders often do not redeem stock because of the capital gains tax that would have to be paid. Click/tap the “Donate Stock” button below and you’ll receive a confirmation as soon as the transaction is processed. Should you decide to give again next year, your information is saved. |
Coach Jeff Lebo’s 15th Annual Summer Basketball Camp in Greenville is set for June 24-27 and July 22-25 for boys and girls ages 5-13. Expect lots of fun, fundamentals, and friendship throughout each session. Players can choose half or full day sessions as they hit the hardwood this summer! Visit for all camp details and take advantage of early registration discounts. |
PCC offers summer camps for students ages 6 year old to rising 12th graders, some of which are great opportunities for career exploration in a very hands on way. |
Copyright © John Paul II Catholic High School All rights reserved. 2725 E. 14th Street Greenville, NC 27858 252-215-1224 Click Here to Unsubscribe |
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