THIS WEEK AT JPII April 18, 2021 Wednesday is a Virtual Day with AM Classes Friday is a Half Day of School with AM Classes |
| | SAINT OF THE WEEK St. Bonaventure is one of the greatest minds the Church ever produced. He wrote numerous theological and philosophical works and is considered the second founder of the Franciscan Order. He would be declared a doctor of the Church and given the title The Seraphic Doctor. READ MORE |
CONGRATULATIONS NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES! The following students were inducted into the National Honor Society on Friday: Tori Alcock, Jessica Corley, Jacob Daughety, Landon Daughety, Judy Elizalde-Salinas, Esteban Escobar, Dana Galinis, Nick Garza, Annie Geiger, Dani Hernandez-Gomez, Macy Johnson, Kathryn Kaoud, Will McMinn, Brody Mitchell, Lesley Nava-Guerrero, Alex Peterson, Jeremiah Reid, Natalie Saeed, Yixuan Shen, and Matthew Sommer. Congratulations to all! |
This coming Saturday, our Science Olympiad team will participate in the state competition which will be held virtually from the school. What an honor for our team in their first year of competition! |
| | TESTING FOR OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Students who receive the NC Opportunity Scholarship will take the required end-of-year assessment on Monday, April 19. Students should report to their pod as usual and wait to be escorted to the gym for testing immediately following morning assembly. Virtual students who are coming to campus for the test should be dropped off and picked up at the gym. Testing will be held from approximately 8:15 to 10:45 a.m. |
Come travel with us! We have opened up a few more spots for our summer 2022 trip to the Global Leadership Summit in Germany followed by a trip to Switzerland. The risk-free enrollment period has been extended to May 1st for any family that is interested! Check out our tour website for all the details! Feel free to contact Ms. Goodman with any questions. |
THIS WEEK IS SPIRIT WEEK! Monday, April 19 - Country vs. Country Club Dress up like you are from the country or like you are from the country club. Tuesday, April 20 - Vine/Meme Day Dress up as an individual from your favorite Vine or Meme (MUST be appropriate) Wednesday, April 21 - Virtual Day (no face-to-face classes) Thursday, April 22 - Marvel vs. DC vs. Star Wars Dress as your favorite character from any of these movie series. **NO LIGHT SABERS OR WEAPONS ALLOWED (even plastic ones) and NO FULL FACE MASKS** Friday, April 23 - Decade Day - 9th graders: dress like you are from the 50s
- 10th graders: dress like you are from the 60s
- 11th graders: dress like you are from the 70s
- 12th graders: dress like you are from the 80s/90s
General guidelines for dressing up: no spaghetti straps, no strapless tops, no midriffs showing, no sagging pants, no undergarments showing, shorts must be NO SHORTER THAN 3 inches above the knee (for boys and girls), no sweatpants, and no full-face no masks (we must be able to tell who you are). |
COSTUME ITEMS NEEDED FOR THE SPRING PLAY We are in need of some color-specific costume items for the spring play on May 20 (mark your calendars!). If you have any of the following items (solid colors only) we could borrow from you, please bring them into the main office and direct them to Ms. Goodman (tag them with your name if you'd like them returned!). - Pink accessories (for a female - scarf, hat, necklace, etc)
- Black accessories (for a male - scarf, hat, etc.)
- Beige accessories
- Purple fancier costume pieces (for a female - jacket, scarf, hat, necklace, etc.)
- Clipboards (3)
- Green accessories (for a female)
- Blue accessories (for a female)
- Red accessories (for a female)
- Orange top (for a small female)
- Yellow accessories (female)
- Grey accessories (female)
ALSO NEEDED FOR THE SPRING PLAY... If anyone (students or parents) would be interested in donating some time and handyman skills, the theater department is in need of some set cubes! Contact Ms. Goodman if you are interested, and she can set you up with the build plans and materials list for putting these together (dimensions of wood, etc.). |
| | 🗓 Monday, April 19 Happy Birthday Bailey Hennasey and Mrs. Wilson! 8:15-10:45 a.m. Opportunity Scholarship Testing 3:15 p.m. Spring Play Practice Yearbook Club 4:00 p.m. Men's Golf vs. Wayne Country Day 🗓 Tuesday, April 20 3:15 p.m. Spring Play Practice 4:30 p.m. Women's Soccer at Greenville Christian Academy 🗓 Wednesday, April 21 All-School Virtual Day (AM Classes) Students should join the Google Meet for 1st Period starting at 8:09 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Men's Golf at Cotton Valley 3:15 p.m. Spring Play Practice 6:00 p.m. Baseball vs. Parrott Academy (Home) 🗓 Thursday, April 22 Happy Birthday Joey Balot! 4:00 p.m. Women's Soccer at Epiphany 4:30 p.m. Baseball at Greenville Christian Academy 🗓 Friday, April 23 Half Day of School - AM Classes 8:50 a.m. Mass 3:15 p.m. Spring Play Practice 7:00-10:30 p.m. Prom at Yankee Hall 🗓 Saturday, April 24 Happy Birthday Jude Kellum! Science Olympiad State Competition |
| VARSITY LETTER JACKETS At long last, we are very close to being able to order varsity letter jackets. Our Jostens rep is scheduled to stop by the school on Monday with order forms and to schedule a date to meet with students and parents to take orders. This photo shows a representation of the color scheme for our letter jacket: navy blue body and sleeves with gold accents that include the embroidery for the student's name, at the cuff, neck, and shoulders, as well as in patches that will be specific to what the student would like added to the jacket to make it unique to them. If you are interested in purchasing a varsity letter jacket, please let Mr. Smith know. |
| Teen Leadership Institute participants Max Dooley, Dillon Gregory, and Destini Hunt are holding a donation drive for the local Humane Society April 26-May 11. Items needed include animal toys (hard and soft toys), kitten formula, dog food, cat food, dog and cat shampoo, and grooming items. |
JEFF LEBO'S RISING STARS BASKETBALL CAMP at JPII Former ECU Basketball Coach Jeff Lebo is hosting a basketball camp for boys and girls ages 6 to 14 June 21-24 at the JPII Athletic Center. Register by April 1 and save $25 off the full-day registration! Click here for details. |
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