| | Dear JPII family, Since the beginning of the year, my goal has been to utilize this space to share all the good that is happening at our school. While we are saddened by the loss of Mr. Elliott, for those who did not know him well I would like to share with you just a few of the positive impacts he had on our school. Mr. Elliott was a lifelong learner and seeker of the truth who served in multiple roles in education, including headmaster at Christ Covenant. He joined JPII in 2013 and in those 8 years he served as director of academic life, head of the English department, and taught Senior Thesis Seminar along with sophomore and senior English. He impacted our students outside the classroom as well as an advisor for SGA, Debate Club, Quiz Bowl, and as a soccer coach. He was a native of Kansas and was a big Chiefs fan. He is survived by his wife Judy of 37 years, four sons, and a recently born grandchild. Steve was a great man in his service to our students and his colleagues. To honor him, this Friday JPII students will wear purple (Mr. Elliott’s favorite color) and our football team will wear "SE" decals on their helmets. The Elliott family will have visitation in the JPII Performing Arts Center on Friday from 7:00-9:00 p.m. and the funeral will follow on Saturday in the PAC at 11:00 a.m. Last week was a week full of activities including Spirit Week, retreat, and Homecoming! We enjoyed seeing our students get creative with the different Spirit Week themes, cheer on their friends on the court and field, and get to know each other better. A huge thank you to the faculty and staff for working extra hours to help make the week a success! A sincere thanks to the following families for volunteering this past week: Atkinson, Barnett, Daughety, Escobar, Galinis, Hasselbach, Jones, Keeter, Stokes, and Winkler. We appreciate you and all those that have already volunteered this year. There is simply no way we would be able to properly hold extracurricular activities without the help of our JPII families! If you have not had the opportunity to volunteer, we ask that you prayerfully consider donating your time to help our school. The signup link is always included at the top of these emails. |
A huge SHOUT OUT to our volleyball team for winning the conference tournament on Saturday...and to our amazing student spirit club for cheering them on to victory! Their chants, enthusiasm, and creative skits created a "home court advantage" for the championship match. This week we return to school on Tuesday to follow a regular academic schedule. Please help your student by encouraging them to eat well, get plenty of rest, and focus on their studies. We are halfway through the first semester and teachers have a full agenda to cover before midterms and the holidays. Your student’s health and attitude can make the difference. In Christ, |
| LAST WEEK FOR PARKER'S BARBECUE FUNDRAISER Tickets are now available for purchase for this year's barbecue fundraiser in partnership with Parker's Barbecue. Purchase tickets now and redeem them at any of the 3 Parker’s locations in Greenville October 11-24, 2021. Please share the ordering link with your friends and family on social media! Tickets are $10 each and include a small combination pork barbecue & chicken (leg or thigh) plate with slaw, boiled potatoes, green beans, hush puppies, and corn sticks (does not include beverage). |
| | FALL PLAY TICKETS GOING FAST! Tickets for the fall murder mystery dinner theater "Dinner at Eight, Dead by Nine" are selling quickly! The premiere will be held next Thursday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the PAC with a second seating on Saturday, October 30 at the same time. Tickets are limited and we only have around 20 tickets remaining for each seating! They are $15 for adults and $8 for ages 17 and under. Your ticket includes your spaghetti dinner (traditional meat, vegetarian, or gluten-free) with a salad, bread, dessert, and water/iced tea/coffee/tea, plus the show! |
| The SAINTS Shop is open for business! Our new in-house student store has apparel and soon will have other JPII-branded items including license plates, pencils, car magnets, umbrellas, and more. The store will be open on Wednesdays before assembly and during both lunches. You can always order items online and pick them up the next school day. |
HOMECOMING DANCE The Homecoming Dance is this Saturday, October 23 from 8:00-11:30 p.m. This year's theme is "Light It Up." Tickets are now $15 each and can be purchased online. For students who wish to bring a guest who does not attend JPII, Event Guest Permission Forms were due last Friday. |
DRIVER'S ED STARTS AFTER THANKSGIVING Students who need to take driver's ed and will be 14-and-a-half as of Monday, November 29 are eligible to participate in a class that will be held at the school November 29-December 10 from 3:15-6:15 p.m. each day. Students cannot miss any of the days or they will not get credit and do not receive a refund. Cost is $60 payable to JPII. Click here for online registration (includes a $2 processing fee) or contact Business Manager Mary Ershadi if you would like to pay cash or check. |
SAINTS SWIMMING The swim team is growing! Thank you to all who came by the information and sign-up session on October 7. If you did not stop by, we are still looking for swimmers and there is still time to sign up for the team. Please contact Coach Geiger if you are interested. |
IS YOUR FAMILY INTERESTED IN HOSTING AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT? If you or someone you know would be interested in hosting an international student, we have a need for a family to host a student from Romania. Please contact Jamie Forbes for more information. |
| | 🗓 Monday, October 18 NO SCHOOL Cross Country Conference Meet Wayne Country Day School 🗓 Tuesday, October 19 Picture Day 3:15-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring with Mrs. Mabe N117 3:15-4:30 p.m. Fall Play Practice Time TBA Men's Soccer State Playoff Game at Epiphany Time TBA Volleyball State Playoff Game vs. Faith Christian 🗓 Wednesday, October 20 Advisory Schedule - "A" Clubs Happy Birthday Cash Daniels-Moye '23 and Kelsey Smith '25! 7:30 a.m. Weekly Rosary in the Chapel 10:15-11:45 a.m. College Fair (Juniors) 3:15-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring with Ms. Verzaal N118 Pep Band Rehearsal 6:30-8:00 p.m. Wrestling Offseason Workout 7:15-8:45 p.m. Women's Basketball Offseason Workout 🗓 Thursday, October 21 3:15-4:00 p.m. Math Tutoring with Ms. Gilroy N122 3:15-4:15 p.m. Concussion Testing Upstairs in the Gym 3:15-4:30 p.m. Fall Play Practice 6:00 p.m. JV Football vs. Cary Christian 7:15-8:30 p.m. Men's Basketball Offseason Workout 🗓 Friday, October 22 St. Pope John Paul II Feast Day Happy Birthday Mrs. Lyles! 8:50 a.m. Mass 7:00-9:00 p.m. Visitation for Mr. Elliott Performing Arts Center 7:00 p.m. Varsity Football at St. David's School 🗓 Saturday, October 23 Happy Birthday Samiah Barnett '25! 9:00-10:30 a.m. Softball Offseason Workout 9:00-11:00 a.m. Women's Basketball Offseason Workout 11:00 a.m. Funeral for Mr. Elliott Performing Arts Center 8:00 p.m. Homecoming Dance Performing Arts Center |
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Director of Development Charlie Harvey is compiling a JPII Business Directory of businesses affiliated with our families. To have your business included, please fill out this form. |
| "SAINTS SHOUTOUTS" Last week we introduced "Saints Shoutouts" and we have already received several; thank you to those who actively want to spread positivity at our school! If you would like to recognize someone, submit the form below! |
COMING SOON: INTRAMURAL SPORTS The intramural sports program will be up and running soon! Some of the sports will include: - Spikeball
- Cornhole
- Grass Volleyball
- Cross-net
- Badminton
Depending on the event you may sign up as an individual, pair, or full team. All events will be capped at a certain amount of people - registration will be first-come, first-served so don't delay! To participate in intramural sports, a $15 fee is required prior to the first time you participate. This will allow you to participate in any intramural sporting event for the entire year. The first event will be Spikeball on November 3 (a half day) from 12:30-2:00 p.m. This will be a pairs event with a maximum of 10 pairs. To sign up and pay your $15 fee, email Trayce Wilson-Ruffin. Juniors Hailey Davenport and Matt Sommer are the student leaders for the intramural sports program. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to them. |
FREE COLLEGE APPLICATION WEEK This week is Free College Application Week! If you plan to apply to any of the colleges on the list, you MUST submit your application through CFNC's website starting tomorrow (October 18) through Friday, October 22. The Common App will not waive fees this week. |
FINANCIAL AID WEBINAR WITH DR. PARKER College Admissions Consultant Dr. Tara Parker will be holding an online webinar for seniors and/or their parent(s)/guardian(s) on Sunday, October 24 at 6:30 p.m. to explain financial aid, the FAFSA, how federal loans work, and other useful information on how to pay for college. The invitation for the Zoom webinar will be sent to seniors next week. Please attend if you would like to learn more about your financial aid options for 2022-2023. |
FAFSA DAY DRIVE-INS Campuses across North Carolina will be hosting FAFSA Day Drive-in events for the Class of 2022 on Saturday, October 23. Students and families can drive into their local host site to receive one-on-one FAFSA help. Any student who needs FAFSA assistance is welcome! You must register for this event; please see the website for more information. |
COLLEGE FAIR VISIT FOR JUNIORS 11th grade students will be attending a College Fair at the Greenville Convention Center on Wednesday, October 20th during 3rd and 4th period. All students must have their local field trip permission forms submitted in order to participate. |
IMMUNIZATION REMINDER FOR JUNIORS Beginning with the 2020-21 school year, students entering 12th grade are required to have a booster (second) dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine if they have not already received one. As you get your physicals this year, please turn in your immunization record to Ms. Blanton. We will need this in your file prior to the first day of senior year. |
| | MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS If your child has a medical diagnosis, please send that paperwork to Mrs. Christopher. This should include a note from the doctor with diagnosis, treatment, and/or educational plan. Thank you! |
Copyright © John Paul II Catholic High School All rights reserved. 2725 E. 14th Street Greenville, NC 27858 252-215-1224 Click Here to Unsubscribe |
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