THIS WEEK AT JPII November 21, 2021 Monday and Tuesday are Dress Down Days Tuesday is a Half Day with PM Classes NO SCHOOL Wednesday-Friday Questions? Email |
| | Dear JPII family, We've made it to Thanksgiving week! I hope that all of our students take time this week to think about all they are thankful for and have the opportunity to spend time with their families. Once we return from Thanksgiving, we only have 10 regular school days plus midterms before the Christmas break. Below you will find information about midterms - please read this carefully. Students, please plan appropriately so that you can finish the semester strong! Lastly, the Christmas season is a beautiful time of year for our school community. There are several school events that will take place between now and December 17; we hope you will find something that you and your family will enjoy and join us. God Bless, |
| LAST CALL FOR DRIVER'S ED! Tuesday is the last day to register for driver's ed that starts next Monday, November 29. Students must be 14-and-a-half as of the 29th to be eligible to participate. The class will be held at the school November 29-December 10 from 3:15-6:15 p.m. each day. Students cannot miss any of the days or they will not get credit and do not receive a refund. Cost is $60 payable to JPII. Click here for online registration (includes a $2 processing fee) or contact Business Manager Mary Ershadi if you would like to pay cash or check. |
| BASKETBALL PLAYS AT HOME ON MONDAY The first home basketball games of the year are on Monday against Wayne Prep. Both the varsity girls and varsity boys are 3-1 after 4 road games last week; this will be the first game of the year for JV boys. Tickets for basketball are $7. 4:30 p.m. - JV Boys 6:00 p.m. - Varsity Girls 7:30 p.m. - Varsity Boys All 3 games will be live-streamed on our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as well as |
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR A PICTURE PERFECT CHRISTMAS WITH THE SAINTS AT STOKES FAMILY FARM! Sunday, December 5 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. | $20 per family Come and spend time socializing with the JPII family while celebrating the Christmas season! Drinks will be provided and the following food trucks will be available: - Anita's Authentic Mexican Street Food
- Prevail Hawaiian Street Food
- Tucci's Italian Food Truck
There will be two photo opportunities: - PICTURES WITH SANTA - Santa will be available for photos from 7:00-9:00 p.m. for $5 each. Payment is made on site.
- CHRISTMAS CARD FAMILY PHOTOS - Receive 5-10 professional, digital photos by Wednesday, December 8 for only $100. Photos taken by Geri Simpkins Photography. Payment is made during event registration (button below). Your event registration confirmation will have a link for you to choose what time you would like to have your photos taken.
ESPORTS INTEREST MEETING An interest meeting will be held on Monday, November 22 at 3:05 p.m. in S108 (Mr. Mason's room) for students who would like to start an esports club. Like many high school clubs and sports, esports helps students learn valuable skills that will serve them well throughout their life. Among the skills developed through esports are strategic thinking, teamwork, collaboration, goal setting, preparation, and managing success and failure – not to mention quick reflexes! |
| TEN DAYS OF GIVING Christmas is in the air! When students return from Thanksgiving, we will be launching the ten days of giving for Christmas. Students will be encouraged to participate in various activities where they will give of their time, talent, and/or treasure. There are plenty of activities to choose from and service hours can be earned by participating. - Nov. 29: Senior SGA will be decorating the school for Christmas
- Nov. 29-Dec. 3: Overall SGA will hold a candy drive
- Nov. 29-Dec. 10: The Recycling Club will hold a toy drive
- Nov. 29-Dec. 10: Catholic Charities Food Drive
- Nov. 29-Dec. 10: Junior SGA will hold a sock drive
- Dec. 4: Sophomore SGA will be in the Greenville Christmas Parade
- Dec. 5: Picture Perfect Christmas with the Saints at Stokes Family Farm
- Dec. 7: JPII Crew will distribute midterm survival kits for their students
- Dec. 8: Freshman SGA will read to students at Saint Peter
- Dec. 10: National Honor Society will focus on wellness during midterms
- Dec. 12: Christmas Caroling
- TBD: Salvation Army bell ringing
- TBD: Peer Ministry will build a nativity at the school
MIDTERM EXAM SCHEDULE Midterm exams will be held December 14-17. There are two exam periods each day: 8:10-10:10 and 10:30-12:30. Students will need to arrive by 8:00 a.m. for morning assembly and be picked up at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday: 1st & 2nd periods Wednesday: 3rd & 4th periods Thursday: 5th & 6th periods Friday: 7th & 8th periods Students who have a study hall will not need to be on campus during the time reserved for that exam period. Also, teachers who teach electives have the option of substituting a midterm exam for a project, performance, or some other demonstration of skills learned during the fall semester that will be due by December 13 and entered as the midterm grade. If your student has an elective teacher who is utilizing this option, they will not need to be on campus during the exam period for the elective class. Please ask your student about their exam schedule and arrange transportation accordingly. |
ART CLUB Art Club will meet after school on Monday, November 22 & 29 from 3:10-4:45 p.m. |
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Mark your calendars! JPII's Christmas Program will be held on Wednesday, December 8 at 6:00 p.m. in the PAC. This night will feature our choir, our instrumental students, our theater department...and perhaps even our faculty...SHHHH!). The concert will be free to attend. |
| | 🗓 Monday, November 22 Dress Down Day 3:05 p.m. Esports Interest Meeting S108 3:10-4:45 p.m. Art Club 4:30 p.m. JV Men's Basketball vs. Wayne Prep 6:00 p.m. Women's Varsity Basketball vs. Wayne Prep 7:30 p.m. Men's Varsity Basketball vs. Wayne Prep 🗓 Tuesday, November 23 Half Day of School - PM Classes Dress Down Day Happy Birthday Johnnathan Otero '24! 🗓 Wednesday, November 24 NO SCHOOL 🗓 Thursday, November 25 Happy Thanksgiving! NO SCHOOL 🗓 Friday, November 26 NO SCHOOL Happy Birthday Fernando Guillen '25! 🗓 Saturday, November 27 Happy Birthday Thomas Keeter '24! 🗓 Sunday, November 28 Happy Birthday Emmanuel Lopez-Gordillo '23! UPCOMING DATES TO SAVE! Saturday, December 4 Greenville Christmas Parade (our school will be in the parade) Sunday, December 5 6:00-9:00 p.m. Picture Perfect Christmas with the Saints at Stokes Family Farm Monday, December 6 Tacky Christmas Sweater Day Wednesday, December 8 at 6:00 p.m. Performing Arts Christmas Program Sunday, December 12 6:00-8:00 p.m. Christmas Caroling Friday, December 17 6:00-8:00 p.m. Las Posadas |
Head football coach Sean Murphy led Team NC to a 36-18 win in the inaugural NC vs. VA 8-Man Football All Star Game held Saturday in Sutherland, VA. JPII seniors Will McMinn and Elijah Eger participated as players and defensive coordinator Brad Matthews assisted Coach Murphy. The trophy will be kept at JPII until next year’s game which will be held in NC. |
GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL The Governor’s School of North Carolina is the oldest statewide summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students in the nation. The program, which is open to rising seniors only (with exceptions made for rising juniors in selected performing/visual arts areas) is located on two college campuses: Governor’s School West at a site to be determined and Governor’s School East at Meredith College in Raleigh. Each summer, selected students are invited to Governor’s School to help build a learning community. Students interested in Governor's School for the summer of 2022 can contact Ms. Blanton for more information and details on the application process. Complete application packets are due to Ms. Blanton by Friday, December 3. |
JPII CREW FOR 2022-2023 The application for current sophomores and juniors (2022-2023 juniors and seniors) to apply for JPII Crew for the 2022-2023 school year is open now through February 1, 2022. JPII Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and transfer students and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their JPII experience. As positive role models, JPII Crew leaders are mentors and student leaders who help students new to JPII discover what it takes to be a successful Saint. More information about the role of a JPII Crew leader can be found on the school website. Selections will be made based on the application as well as how applicants conduct themselves on a day-to-day basis (behavior, academics, leadership potential/qualities, etc.). If you have any questions about JPII Crew or the application process, email or see Ms. Verzaal. |
| "ASK A JPII PARENT" VOLUNTEER TO SHARE YOUR JPII EXPERIENCE Prospective parents often ask about family involvement at our school and our "Ask a JPII Parent" program puts them directly in touch with current parents to ask questions, share concerns, or get the inside scoop on being a part of the JPII family. While the time commitment is not significant, the impact is! Most of those who have volunteered are local and parents of boys, so it would be great to add parents who live outside of Greenville/Winterville and more parents of daughters. If you would like to volunteer, please email Doug Smith. |
Copyright © John Paul II Catholic High School All rights reserved. 2725 E. 14th Street Greenville, NC 27858 252-215-1224 Click Here to Unsubscribe |
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